JVZoo vs WarriorPlus [2024]: Which Affiliate Platform Wins?

JVZoo vs WarriorPlus

Affiliate marketing platforms like JVZoo and WarriorPlus provide a space for marketers to promote products, track sales, and earn commissions. Both platforms are popular among digital marketers, especially in the realm of selling digital products, such as software, courses, and eBooks. However, each has its strengths and weaknesses, depending on your business goals, product type, and marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll compare JVZoo and WarriorPlus to help you decide which platform is the best fit for your affiliate marketing efforts.

What is JVZoo?

JVZoo is an affiliate marketing platform launched in 2011, primarily designed for selling digital products, such as software, eBooks, online courses, and tools. It connects product creators with affiliates who promote their products to earn commissions. JVZoo’s primary focus is on internet marketing tools and digital software, making it a favorite among entrepreneurs in the digital marketing space.

Key Features of JVZoo

  • Instant Affiliate Payments: JVZoo offers instant or delayed payments through PayPal, giving affiliates the ability to get paid quickly after making sales.
  • Product Funnels: Sellers can create sales funnels with upsells, downsells, and one-time offers (OTOs), helping them maximize profits per customer.
  • Affiliate Network: JVZoo has a vast network of affiliates, making it easy for vendors to connect with experienced marketers who can drive traffic and sales.
  • Affiliate Approval Control: Product creators can manually approve or deny affiliates, providing control over who can promote their products.
  • Sales Tracking and Analytics: JVZoo offers detailed reporting and analytics, allowing both affiliates and sellers to track performance, sales, and conversions in real-time.
  • Third-Party Integrations: JVZoo integrates with popular email marketing services like Aweber, GetResponse, and other tools to help streamline marketing efforts.

What is WarriorPlus?

WarriorPlus is another affiliate marketing platform that focuses on digital products, similar to JVZoo. Founded in 2006, it has a strong community base within the internet marketing niche, particularly with products related to online marketing, training programs, and software. WarriorPlus is particularly well-known in the “Warrior Forum” community, which is a popular space for digital marketers.

Key Features of WarriorPlus

  • Instant Payments via PayPal: Like JVZoo, WarriorPlus offers instant payments, allowing affiliates to receive commissions as soon as a sale is made.
  • Marketplace and Offers: WarriorPlus provides a centralized marketplace where affiliates can browse a wide range of digital products to promote. Products are ranked based on sales and conversion rates, making it easier for affiliates to find high-performing offers.
  • Sales Funnels: WarriorPlus allows product creators to build sophisticated sales funnels, with upsells, downsells, and order bumps, to increase revenue per sale.
  • Automated Tracking: The platform automatically tracks affiliate sales and commissions, making it easy for affiliates and sellers to keep track of their earnings and performance.
  • Product Launch Calendar: Affiliates can access a calendar that lists upcoming product launches, helping them prepare their marketing efforts in advance for maximum exposure.
  • Warrior Forum Integration: WarriorPlus is closely tied to the Warrior Forum, giving product creators access to a built-in community of digital marketers who are always looking for the latest products to promote.

Pricing Comparison: JVZoo vs WarriorPlus

JVZoo Pricing

JVZoo is free to sign up for both vendors and affiliates. However, product creators pay a 5% fee on each sale made through the platform. This fee covers the cost of using JVZoo’s affiliate network, sales tracking, and other platform features. Vendors can also offer instant payments to affiliates, but PayPal fees apply based on PayPal’s standard fee structure.

WarriorPlus Pricing

WarriorPlus is also free to join as an affiliate or vendor. WarriorPlus charges a 4.9% fee per transaction, slightly lower than JVZoo’s fee. This fee is taken from the total sale price and is deducted before payments are made to the vendor and affiliates. Similar to JVZoo, PayPal fees also apply if instant payments are offered through the platform.

Which Platform Offers Better Value?

Both platforms are fairly close in terms of pricing, with WarriorPlus having a slight edge due to its marginally lower transaction fees. However, JVZoo’s additional features, such as more advanced analytics and integrations, may justify the slightly higher fee for some vendors.

User Interface and Ease of Use

JVZoo’s User Experience

JVZoo’s interface is relatively straightforward but may seem overwhelming to first-time users due to the wide range of tools and options available. Setting up products, managing affiliates, and tracking sales is relatively easy once you’re familiar with the dashboard. However, for beginners, the platform may require a learning curve.

WarriorPlus’s User Experience

WarriorPlus offers a simpler interface that is easier to navigate for beginners. The platform focuses on making the setup process as seamless as possible, particularly for new sellers. Affiliates can also browse the marketplace and pick offers to promote with ease. Overall, WarriorPlus tends to be more beginner-friendly than JVZoo, making it a better choice for those new to affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Networks and Product Promotion

JVZoo’s Affiliate Network

JVZoo has a large affiliate network, especially focused on digital marketers and internet marketing products. Affiliates can apply to promote products, but approval is often required from the vendor. This control allows sellers to vet affiliates, ensuring only quality marketers promote their products. JVZoo also allows affiliates to access the platform’s marketplace to find new products to promote.

WarriorPlus’s Affiliate Network

WarriorPlus also has a substantial network of affiliates, particularly in the internet marketing niche. Affiliates can browse the marketplace, which ranks products based on performance metrics such as conversion rates and average sale value. WarriorPlus has a more open approach to affiliate approval, making it easier for newer affiliates to start promoting products.

Which Platform is Better for Affiliates?

For experienced affiliates, JVZoo may be the better option due to its wider variety of high-ticket products and more advanced tracking features. However, for newer affiliates, WarriorPlus is more accessible, with its open approval system and easier-to-navigate marketplace.

Product Types and Niche Focus

JVZoo’s Product Categories

JVZoo primarily focuses on digital products, particularly in the internet marketing, software, and online training niches. It’s well-suited for entrepreneurs looking to sell products like online courses, marketing software, or eBooks. JVZoo’s audience is heavily skewed toward digital marketers and businesses looking to improve their online presence.

WarriorPlus’s Product Categories

WarriorPlus also focuses on digital products, but its core strength lies in the online marketing and “make money online” (MMO) niches. You’ll find a lot of products related to online marketing strategies, affiliate marketing, and digital entrepreneurship. While WarriorPlus offers products in similar categories to JVZoo, its market tends to be more niche-specific, especially in the internet marketing space.

Which Platform is Better for Vendors?

If your products fall within the “make money online” or digital marketing space, both platforms are strong choices. However, JVZoo offers a broader range of product categories and may provide more flexibility for vendors looking to target multiple niches. WarriorPlus, on the other hand, is more niche-specific, making it better suited for vendors who cater to the MMO or affiliate marketing communities.

Payments and Commissions

JVZoo’s Payment System

JVZoo allows vendors to offer instant payments to affiliates via PayPal, which is one of the platform’s standout features. Affiliates can also receive payments via delayed commissions, depending on the vendor’s preferences. Vendors have the option to hold payments for affiliates until a refund period has passed to reduce the risk of chargebacks.

WarriorPlus’s Payment System

WarriorPlus also offers instant payments via PayPal, which is highly valued by affiliates. Like JVZoo, vendors can choose to delay affiliate payments if needed, and both platforms offer the option to automatically track and process refunds and chargebacks.

Which Platform Offers Better Payments?

Both platforms offer instant payments via PayPal, which is a significant advantage for affiliates. However, JVZoo’s more advanced payment options, such as split payments, may give it a slight edge for vendors who want more control over how and when payments are made.

Customer Support and Resources

JVZoo’s Support

JVZoo offers a knowledge base, tutorials, and email support. For technical or account-related issues, users can submit support tickets, though response times may vary depending on the complexity of the issue. There are also JVZoo webinars and training sessions designed to help vendors and affiliates get the most out of the platform.

WarriorPlus’s Support

WarriorPlus provides a similar level of customer support, with a knowledge base, FAQs, and email ticket support. Additionally, WarriorPlus has a strong community presence, particularly through its connection with the Warrior Forum, where users can find peer-to-peer advice and recommendations.

Which Platform Has Better Support?

Both platforms offer solid support, but WarriorPlus’s integration with the Warrior Forum gives it a slight advantage for community-based support and advice.

Who Should Choose JVZoo?

JVZoo is ideal for vendors and affiliates in the digital marketing space, particularly those selling software, online courses, and tools aimed at marketers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Its robust analytics, large affiliate network, and focus on internet marketing products make it a great choice for sellers looking for a scalable platform with advanced features.

Who Should Choose WarriorPlus?

WarriorPlus is best suited for vendors and affiliates focused on the “make money online” niche or internet marketing products. It’s a great platform for beginners, thanks to its user-friendly interface and open affiliate approval system. WarriorPlus is also a good choice for affiliates looking for a marketplace with high-converting, niche-specific offers.


Both JVZoo and WarriorPlus are powerful affiliate marketing platforms, but they cater to different types of users. JVZoo is a better fit for more experienced marketers, product creators, and affiliates looking for a broader range of digital products and more advanced features. On the other hand, WarriorPlus is perfect for beginners or marketers focused on the “make money online” niche, offering a simpler interface and easier affiliate onboarding.

Ultimately, your choice between JVZoo and WarriorPlus will depend on your product type, experience level, and niche. Both platforms offer excellent opportunities for vendors and affiliates to succeed in the competitive world of digital marketing.


Which platform is better for beginners, JVZoo or WarriorPlus?

WarriorPlus is better suited for beginners due to its simpler interface and easier affiliate approval process.

Can I use both JVZoo and WarriorPlus to promote the same product?

Yes, many vendors use both platforms to reach different audiences and maximize their exposure.

Do both platforms support instant payments to affiliates?

Yes, both JVZoo and WarriorPlus offer instant payments via PayPal, though vendors can choose to delay payments if preferred.

Which platform has lower fees, JVZoo or WarriorPlus?

WarriorPlus has slightly lower fees (4.9% compared to JVZoo’s 5%), but the difference is minimal.

Which platform is better for selling physical products?

Neither platform specializes in physical products. Both JVZoo and WarriorPlus are primarily focused on digital products like software, courses, and tools.